Medium-duty slides cover a range of 140 to 169 lbs | Tough + Versatile Motion Hardware

Accuride medium-duty drawer slides provide the durability and seamless motion you need around the home, office, or warehouse--giving your hardware that extra boost. Medium-duty slides cover a narrow range of 140 to 169 lbs. We offer a bevy of medium-duty slides for home, office, and industrial applications. We also offer medium-duty slides with special features, including over-travel slides for easier access, and finishes to match your design.

Medium-Duty Over-Travel and Non-Disconnect Slide
3932 Medium-Duty and Full-Extension Slide
3932EC Medium-Duty and Easy-Close Slide
Medium-Duty Slide with Lever Disconnect, Lock-In and Detent-Out
Medium-Duty Slide with Over-Travel
Medium-Duty Full-Extension and Corrosion-Resistant Slide
Medium-Duty Linear Track System
Medium-Duty Slide with Over-Travel, Latch Disconnect and Lock-Out
Medium-Duty Slide with Latch Disconnect, Lock-In and Lock-Out
Medium-Duty Over-Travel Slide with Latch Disconnect and Detent-In
Medium-Duty Full-Extension Slide with Progressive Movement
Medium-Duty & Over-Travel Slide with Progressive Movement
Medium Duty Slides

Designed with the end-user in mind, our medium-duty sliding hardware accommodates load capacities between 140 and 170 lbs. to give home, office, and industrial applications that extra push. Choose the following benefits for your robust medium-duty solution:

  • Standard + wide drawer dimensions (up to 42”)
  • Easy-Close, Self-Close, + Touch-Release
  • Full-extension + over-travel
  • Push latch disconnect
  • Progressive movement