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Specialty Slides

Accuride offers a host of movement solutions beyond drawer slides, including those for sliding panels, keyboards, entertainment consoles, and alternative mounting.

Two-Way Travel

With full-extension and varying load capacities, Accuride’s double-extension slides provide two-sided access for a wide berth of installations in your home and even professional or commercial settings where interior and exterior access is a must.

Linear Track Systems

Our linear track systems are crafted with aluminum tracks and re-circulating ball carriages that provide movement, guidance, or positioning for screens, panels, partitions, or a plethora of other components.

Flipper and Pocket Door Slides

Accuride’s Flipper & Pocket Door slides are built to accommodate taller armoires and entertainment centers. With steel ball bearings, load ratings up to 75 lbs., and easy, breezy installation, these slides are perfect for customizing and vamping up your living space.

Media Access

Through the use of full-extension, 90-degree rotation, and heavy-duty load capacity, this unique offering is specially designed to relieve users of the headache caused by hard-to-reach wires and other media system components.

Keyboard Systems

Accuride’s Keyboard Systems adapt to variable heights, providing a movement solutions for a wide range of applications, including but not limited to: computer keyboards, writing and typewriter shelves, and shallow drawers for your home or office workspace.

Tilt-Track System

Providing extension and downward motion for easy viewing and retrieval of stored contents, Accuride’s Tilt-Track System is useful in countless industrial contexts such as garage facilities, mobile applications, and warehouse manufacturing.

Roller Bearing Slides

Have a look at Accuride’s ST8200 Family of Roller-Bearing Slides. These NSF-certified movement solutions are precision-made and affordable choices for commercial warming drawers and refrigerators. No welding necessary. Side and bottom-mount options available.

Pocket & Bayonet

Several of our models of slides support pocket-and-bayonet mounting, including our light-duty 3820 and heavy-duty 9328E.


We offer movement solutions with special finishes and materials, such as stainless steel and aluminum, for applications exposed to harsh environments and moisture. These include linear track systems and traditional slides.